BeeHive 14 (1)

Elon X of the Week

Probably within the next two weeks.

Editors Note

Hey guys, hope you’re all doing well. Here’s the scoop: Late breaking news today - apparently the group of environmentalist hippies living in tress near Giga Berlin have managed to shut down Tesla’s factory for the day. So that should be an interesting story to follow.

Aside from that, not a whole lot going on. But we are going to be breaking a new story on The Boring Company and Giga Texas this weekend that might blow your mind a little bit - so don’t miss it.

Cheers, Ted

Tesla News of the Week

Giga Berlin Sabotaged by Hippies - Tesla had to shut down Gigafactory Berlin today after a significant power outage that may have been caused by sabotage.

Anti Musk Lawayers Get Greedy - The lawyers who won the case against Elon Musk and Tesla over his CEO compensation plan want over $5 billion in Tesla stocks for their own compensation. In January, a judge sided with lawyers representing a Tesla shareholder alleging that Tesla’s board misrepresented Elon Musk’s CEO compensation package worth $55 billion when presenting to shareholders.

Giga Thailand Next? - Tesla is talking with the Thailand government about a potential Gigafactory in the country, an official from the country’s Prime Minister’s office said today. Tesla and Thailand have discussed a potential partnership for several years, and the parties have been establishing a more serious relationship, meeting and discussing the potential for Gigafactory Thailand.

This Week's Videos

The Cybertruck Is Genius.. Here’s Why

Major New Tesla Bot Update Is Here!

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